What's New
Our MapleRead app family has 3 members, namely SE, CE and CX, where SE is the flagship product.
- New updates unique to MapleRead SE
- Other updates common to SE, CE and CX
- Fix the missing “Look Up” bug on some iOS 18 devices
- Fix bugs of Library views, including Category Tags view
- Fix bugs of some views in night mode
- Improve stability for various corner cases
- Address iOS 18 compatibility issues, including import via Files app
- Fix bugs
- Show buttons for going to the next or previous TOC (Table of Contents) entry, and the label of the current TOC entry when you tap the page slider thumb inside an EPUB book
- Allow Copy Comment, Clear Comment, Copy Quotation, Paste Quotation when you tap the “double-quote” button in an annotation view
- Allow also Copy Comment and Copy Quotation when you long press in Notes view
- Allow Open Book from Book Info view for your convenience
- Enforce text wrap on rendering EPUB <pre> elements
- Improve compatibility with various servers when downloading books after upgrading to iOS 18
- Fix other bugs
- Fix rendering bugs for some EPUB books
- Fix other bugs
- Add index bar also when Library List view is sorted by Series or Tag
- Add Copy/Move to Another Set to popup menu when a book is long pressed
- Fix broken built-in Library Server due to a regression bug
- Fix other bugs
- Add to System Settings the switch Allow Book Set Sort by Custom Order
- Enhance UI related to managing Custom Order
- Fix a secure sync bug affecting book set Custom Order
- Fix other bugs
- Extend secure sync coverage to book set membership
- Make PDF Table of Contents display more robust against entries with missing page numbers
- Fix PDF page slider bug
- Fix Zoom Image view's Save to Album bug for book covers
- Improve pagination algorithm for EPUB books embedding large images
- Improve EPUB pagination algorithm dealing with book covers, page breaks
- Add EPUB switch Override Paragraph Font to complement Apply Publisher's Style
- Fix bugs related to loading imported user fonts, such as Bookerly and Amazon Ember
- Improve rendering of EPUB books written in vertical writing mode, despite iOS bugs
- Be more fault tolerant of bad EPUB spines
- Fix other bugs
- Improve pagination algorithm for EPUB books embedding large images
- Fix bugs
- Support switches Status Bar Always On and Status Bar Always Dark for all iPhone and iPad models
- Simplify Import confirmation dialog of Exchange | Files by default
- Fix bugs for some types of EPUB books, including those written in right-to-left direction
- Fix other bugs
- Optimize for a smoother ride when scrolling library book list view with a lot of books
- Make book cover thumbnails as sharp as possible for all combinations of 7 UI Text Size options and Abridge Info switch
- Change tag separator symbols in Book Info view
- Change fonts used for series and volume in Book Info view
- Add to System Settings the switch Two-finger Swipe to Turn Page
- Fix bug of parsing series and volume of some books from standardebooks.org
- Fix bug of getting metadata of books downloaded from DropBox via Exchange | Websites | HTML
- Fix other bugs
- Enhance Library Booklist view
- Increase standard row height to show more book info
- Show series and volume where applicable
- Offer Abridge Info option for showing more books per screen
- Offer an option to display reading progress indicator as pie chart or percentage
- Enhance Magnify Book Cover view
- Show series and volume where applicable
- Add previous and next buttons to browse through books
- Enhance Book Info view
- Add previous and next buttons to browse through books
- Enhance EPUB Classic Book and Modern Book views
- Add two-finger swipe to turn page
- Enhance PDF view
- Add two-finger swipe to turn page
- Fix bugs
- Fixed bugs (including those related to EPUB parsing)
- Fix bugs related to book listening, UI Text Size and EPUB footnotes
This is a major release with many new features:
- Book listening and immersion reading
- Reading while listening to any EPUB book in sync
- Simple and intuitive UI
- Narrator voices for over 40 languages besides English for your choice
- Choice of voices filtered by current book language
- Ever-improving high-quality voices as provided by iOS
- Remember last voice selection for each language
- Speed control, faster or slower as you see fit in different circumstances
- Timer control, good for many cases including your bedtime reading too
- Play and pause for normal listening
- Play-once and play-repeat for selected words for learning and fun
- Background listening
- Compatible with Lock Screen Music Player
- Compatible with CarPlay
- Senior-friendly UI Text Size control
- Normal and larger font sizes for non-book text in almost all views
- Scalable popover view sizes as appropriate
- Just the right size for comfortable reading and note taking
- Library view
- New Magnify Book Cover view for selected book
- Book cover image displayed with new groove-and-shadow effect
- Polished UI look and button re-arrangement
- Enhanced Settings menu
- New in-app Help and Online Help
- Never Read/Marked/Altered section for Sort by Date Read/Marked/Meta Altered respectively
- EPUB viewers
- Refined toolbar and page slider design for all 3 EPUB viewers
- Full-page application of theme (background color and image) to Classic Book viewer
- Refined header and footer layout for Modern Scroll viewer
- New option Prefer Remaining Page Count (in chapter)
- Compact context menu with new icons
- Enhanced Image Zoom view of embedded images
- Enhanced cover image aspect fit on the first page
- PDF viewer
- Refined toolbar and page slider design
- Book Info view
- New Image Zoom view to preview your choice of book cover image
- Simple editable book language field to fix for immersion reading
- Misc
- New or polished icons everywhere, including Library, Exchange and book viewers
- Performance improvement
- Various minor UI enhancement
- Bug fixes
- Optimize code to reduce power consumption
- Add a smart batch download option to prefer OPDS or EPUB embedded metadata
- Add an option to Restore from Book in Book Info Edit view to honor empty metadata
- Add Go to System Settings to Library Settings menu
- Update Help of Exchange | iTunes
- Fix a bug that may sometimes lead to loss of last reading position of an opened book when the app is returned from background
- Fix a bug that may sometimes lead to incorrect display of Library view after device rotation
- Address various issues related to EPUB text selection, note deletion, Library UI
- Add to Settings the switch Pinch & Spread to Adjust Font Size
- Allow Sort by MD5 in Library views when Diagnostics is turned on
- Fix bugs
- Add Set My Translator to EPUB and PDF reader context menu
- Add Rebuild Library in Settings app to fix corrupted book database
- Fix some iOS 16 reader context menu compatibility issues
- Fix bugs including that of false duplication during book import
- Support exporting notes in CSV format
- Address text hyphenation issues of some EPUB books published in a language different from the iOS system language
- Fix some bugs
- Reduce the chance of losing reading position when the app is force quit by iOS when it is not in the foreground or the screen is turned off
- Fix other bugs
- Support customizable bookshelf background night scenes in addition to day scenes
- Fix bugs
- Provide an option to extract PDF embedded title and author in BookInfo Edit view
- Make Notes view settings persistent
- Fix bugs and improve stability
- User Fonts and Custom Fonts for EPUB Text Font and Heading Font
- Support import of font files in multiple ways (as if it were a book file) as User Fonts
- Allow selected system-supplied fonts including those installed by some third-party font apps (such as Fontcase, AnyFont) as Custom Fonts
- Add Edit Display Name for User Fonts and Custom Fonts
- Increase EPUB header/footer font sizes on iPhone for improved legibility
- Fix compatibility issues with latest Dropbox API changes
- Fix compatibility issues with iOS 15 and Xcode 13
- Fix bugs and improve stability
- Add the switch Apply to Theme for day/night (light/dark) appearances
- Add the popup menu item Report Bugs... for book-specific bug reporting
- Auto-copy as the new cover image when you copy from Google Image after tapping Cover Image button in Book Info Edit View
- Increase the size of Description Edit View in Book Info View
- Fix bugs and improve stability
- Full support of day/night (light/dark) appearances
in all relevant views
- Support multiple font sizes and Dynamic Type in UI Text Size setting
for selected library views and exchange views
- Added a progress bar below the top toolbar for webpage loading
- Fixed bugs
- Enhanced EPUB text selection to adapt to recent versions of iOS and iPadOS
- Fine-tuned EPUB layout of over-sized images
- Fixed a regression bug that is related to EPUB hyperlinks pointing to the same chapter
- Added timestamps to bookmarks, which are now always sorted by date, regardless of sync
- Improved font overriding for some CSS over-constrained EPUB books
- Addressed compatibility issues with recent changes of Google Translate API
- Addressed compatibility issues with recent changes of Google Drive API
- Addressed compatibility issues with recent changes of Dropbox API
- Addressed compatibility issues with recent changes of iOS SDK
- Addressed an issue with displaying Table of Contents when it has a lot of entries
- Addressed a display issue when Apply Sepia Effect is turned on for some devices
- Addressed a status bar display issue for iPad Pro
- Addressed some EPUB3 compatibility issues
- Fixed EPUB regression bugs when toggling Apply Publisher's Style
- Fixed EPUB regression bugs when jumping to some types of hyperlinks
- Fixed EPUB regression bugs when performing text search
- Added Vertical Scroll option for PDF
- Addressed some EPUB rendering issues
- Addressed various iOS 14 and iPhone 12 compatibility issues
- Added an EPUB option Status Bar Always On for every iPhone model with a notch
- Fixed regression bugs
- Fixed regression bugs inadvertently introduced in previous overhaul of EPUB display engine
- Overhauled the underlying EPUB display engine to
- Ensure compatibility with the latest iOS and Xcode development tools
- Reduce memory usage
- Speed up page turning by tapping on edges and swiping in Modern Book View
- Speed up whole-book page numbering
- Fix text selection bugs, due to previous incompatibility introduced by iOS 13
- Performed tune-up by
- Upgrading the underlying web server component of PC Upload and Server
- Making the bookshelf view auto-scalable on all iOS devices
- Improving fault-tolerant handling of EPUB files, including those with illegal HTML tags
- Added new features including
- Two buttons beside the upper page slider to facilitate EPUB chapter/section navigation
- An option Fit to Width for PDF Single Page Landscape
- Introduced over 30 keyboard shortcuts for physical keyboards
- Added an option Single Column if Split View for EPUB (iPadOS only)
- Added an option Single Page if Split View for PDF (iPadOS only)
- Fixed bugs
- Added two options Pair First Page and Zero Out Page Gap for PDF Double Page Landscape
- Added an option Override Black Background under Apply Theme Colors in EPUB Modern Book and Modern Scroll viewers for every iPhone model with a notch
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs related to UI text size when iOS Settings text size is not standard size
- Introduced optional collapsible Table of Contents for EPUB
and PDF
(sample EPUB)
- Allowed Baidu Translate as a pre-defined Dictionary
- Added one more context menu customization item “My Command 2”
- Fixed bugs
- Changed behavior of Define so that Display Vocabulary will not be turned on as a side effect
- Updated calls to Google Translate API
- Added Show Author instead of Date option to Library Sort customization menu
- Fine-tuned the style of the webstie authentication view to make it more prominent
- Allowed the choice of any user-defined book set as the default import destination book set
- Enhanced the import command to also recursively import book files from folders
- Added the option of book set membership inference for imported folders containing book files
- Enhanced the built-in OPDS Server to serve book set membership info
- Added the client option of book set membership cloning for books downloaded from a remote MapleRead SE OPDS Server
- Added tighter integration with Files app so that files and folders can be copied between the app's File Sharing location and other locations, including cloud drives and AirDrop via Files (for iOS 11 or later)
- Overhauled the app data backup and restore model to make it more robust and work better with iTunes and Files app
- Addressed other general import and export compatibility issues with iTunes 12.3.1 or later
- Addressed stability and performance issues of whole-book page numbering on books with lots of images
- Addressed bookshelf display issues for 11-inch iPad Pro
- Adjusted bookshelf display for all iPhone models
- Made the PDF option Double Page Landscape sticky
- Fixed some minor EPUB display bugs
- Fixed 3rd generation iPad Pro compatibility issues
This is a major release, especially for MapleRead SE, with many new features:
- Universal apps†
- MapleRead SE suports PDF text operations like those of EPUB
- MapleRead CE becomes a universal app supporting both iPad and iPhone
- MapleRead CX becomes a universal app supporting both iPad and iPhone for demo††
- Native support of new iPhone models: iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR
- PDF viewer
- Support of text operations, including note highlighting, vocab, search, define and translate
- A lower-contrast built-in night theme for more comfortable night-time reading
- A new gesture control option to turn off "Long Press on Text & Image" for readers who like to rest their thumbs on the screen but do not want to trigger a long press action
- EPUB viewers
- New options of Apply Theme Colors for optionally overriding Publisher's Colors
- A new collection of built-in night themes for more comfortable night-time reading
- A cleaner Modern Scroll viewer
- New features common to PDF and EPUB viewers
- Unified UI design for a more coherent usage experience
- Enriched note highlighting with 5 customizable colors with on-the-fly opacity adjustment
- Better handling of overlapping notes of different priorities assigned with different colors
- Enhanced annotation view for both day themes and night themes
- Note List View with matching highlight coloring
- One tap to jump between Book Notes View and Library Notes View
- Easier way to manage vocab, including in-situ deletion of any vocab highlight
- New text search options Ignoring Case and Full-book Search
- Longer context strings in the search result table
- Easier navigation from one search highlight to the next or previous one
- Enhanced context menu with more customization options
- Library
- New Dark display style in addition to existing Classic and Modern styles
- New book sorting options by Tag and Reading Progress
- New book filtering option by AND-ing in addition to existing OR-ing tags
- Exchange
- New OPDS batch download preference Overwrite Library Book, useful for updating serial-story books
- PDF Sync Data
- Sync data of PDF from app to the Cloud
- Offer web access to synced data of PDF
- Misc
- Other minor new features and enhancement
- Performance improvement
- Bug fixes
- Addressed various iOS accessibility compatibility issues
- Fixed other minor bugs
- New Features
- PDF Viewer adds new Double Page Landscape option
- PDF Viewer adds Gesture control options for page turning
- PDF Viewer delivers superfast instant page turning
- PDF Viewer supports two-finger tap gesture for default Prefer-Zoom
- PDF Viewer refines its various gesture configuration for a smoother user experience
- PDF Viewer is polished to look more like EPUB Viewers for a more coherent user experience
- PDF Viewer's Prefer-Zoom is more user-friendly for various iPad split-view configurations
- Exchange supports Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive
- EPUB Viewer supports “brightness control by vertical swipe” also when instant page turn effect is chosen
- Performance Improvement
- App starts up faster
- Library browsing is smoother even with hundreds and thousands of books
- PDF Table of Contents loads faster
- Re-designed PDF multi-page-icon view renders faster
- Bug Fixes
- EPUB note highlighting might be off or invisible in some corner cases
- Exiting an OPDS catalog abruptly while loading may crash the app in some corner cases
- Some views may not display properly after a device rotation under some conditions
- Other minor bugs
This is a major release especially for MapleRead SE.
- MapleRead SE becomes a universal app supporting both iPad and iPhone
- MapleRead SE and CE fully supports iOS 11 split-view multitasking
- MapleRead SE and CE can run side-by-side via split-view multitasking of iOS 11
- SE Server supports transfer of book themes and library scenes, in addition to books
- PDF Viewer runs now on iPhone as well as iPad
- PDF Viewer adds instant page turn effect
- EPUB Modern Book Viewer adds instant page turn effect
- EPUB Viewer adds Center Header/Footer option
- EPUB Viewer optimizes Whole-Book Page Numbering option and turns it on by default
- Library features a modern totally transparent bookshelf style by default
- System Settings adds a switch for Legacy Transparent Bookshelf
- Library scenes can be brightened up gradually to white as well as darkened gradually to black
- Library features 3 additional scenes for users who prefer plain background
- Some Library List Views now feature index bar
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug of Library Bookshelf View affecting only iPad Pro 10.5"(applicable to CE and SE)
- Fixed bugs
- Added native support of iPhone X (applicable only to CX)
- Added whole-book page numbering (vs. whole-book percentage) system setting for EPUB
- Added "Show Share..." as a new EPUB context menu customization item via More
- Added "Share..." as a new Export & Share menu item of Notes View
- Improved response times of highlighting
- Improved the robustness of sync operations
- Performed bug fixes and other minor enhancement
- Enhanced support of iPad Pro (12.9 inch) at its native resolution [applicable to CE & SE]
- Added switch Dim Header/Footer to conditionally dim header and footer for EPUB Modern styles
- Enhanced independent Backup and Restore operations
to also cover user fonts
- Introduced user fonts for EPUB viewers
- Install your own fonts via PC Upload, which talks to your PC web browser wirelessly
- Allow a font display name that is different from the font family name embedded in the font file(s), thereby enabling display of font names in non-ASCII characters, such as non-English European characters, CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters, and other Unicode characters
- Uninstall unwanted user fonts directly from the Text Font or Heading Font menu
- Added other features
- System Settings option to automatically hide controls on a book page turn or scroll
- Display of the user-defined sets of each book in its Book Info Metadata View
- Dimming of the book icon when it is pressed or long pressed in Library Bookshelf View
- EPUB context menu More option Implicit Copy to facilitate pasting text into another app referred by Set My Dictionary or Set My Command using URL schemes with unknown or incomplete parameters
- Some minor tuneup
- Library Sort menu customization via More
- As-is Author Name option for displaying names as “First Last” vs. “Last, First” while maintaining the same “Last, First” sorting order when sorted by Author or Author + Series
- Once per Book option for showing each book with multiple authors only once instead of multiple times, each time under one of its authors, when sorted by Author or Author + Series
- Prefer Caibre Date option for using Calibre's Date as Date Added for each book where applicable (This option was previously located in System Settings)
- Made Library Sort by Author (Author + Series) case-insensitive while case-preserving
- EPUB context menu customization via More
- Allowed Set My Dictionary to point to another app by its URL scheme
- Added My Command for a user-defined command with customizable name and URL scheme (e.g. Google Maps or another app)
- EPUB viewers
- Enabled displaying an EPUB 3 footnote in a popover view, with the footnote text size proportional to the main text size
- Added options to show/hide independently the header, footer and progress bar in Modern Book viewer
- Added two new fonts, Futura and (dyslexic-friendly) OpenDyslexic, to Text Font and Heading Font menus
- Fixed some minor bugs
- EPUB context menu customization via More
- Added choice of built-in and user-defined dictionaries for Define (Dictionary Lookup)
- Added Vocab Builder switch to enable/disable auto-collection of “defined” words into the Vocab list (while Display Vocabulary
switch controls display)
- Added choice of multi-language translators (Google and Baidu) for Translate
- Added switches to show/hide Translate and Copy in the context menu
- Introduced Prefer-Zoom for PDF reading:
Prefer-Zoom can automatically zoom and pan to where you prefer when you go to a new page. It saves you the hassle of repeatedly setting the same preferred zoom factor and initial reading position per book for more comfortable reading experience in portrait and landscape orientation respectively.
- Enhanced the built-in OPDS/HTML server to give better coverage of book sets and custom/default ordering
- Enabled browsing of Book Info Metadata View of each book sequentially by left/right swiping
- Enhanced the layout of Book Info Metadata View mostly for iPhone
- Added East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) fonts and South Asian fonts for Text Font and Heading Font
- Added tips for first installation and upgrade installation
- Addressed some device rotation issue for iOS 10
- Extended sync coverage to Date Read in addition to Date Marked as shown in Library
- Introduced Custom Order sorting for user-defined book sets
- Introduced Prefer Calibre Date in System Settings for sorting by Date Added
- Introduced batch download Prefer options to overwrite metadata without re-downloading books from any generic OPDS server, including Calibre's Content Server
- Introduced a smart batch download Prefer option to overwrite metadata from MapleRead SE's OPDS server
- Made other minor enhancements and bug fixes, some specific to iOS 10
This is a major release with much improved sync capabilities and a simplified UI.
- Enable web access to synced data via web browsers from desktop and mobile devices
- Sync data across your devices running SE, CE or CX editions via secure cloud connection
- Sync reading positions, notes, vocab and bookmarks of books
- Sync data for all books in the library with one tap
- Sync data for the currently opened book with one tap
- Sync data for selected books in the library with the standard edit-select method
- Guarantee deterministic sync results
- Minimize sync traffic between cloud and device
- Enable flexible resolution of potentially multiple reading positions from synced devices
Other changes include:
- Adopted a new app icon for each of SE and CE
- Renamed Date Last Edited to Date Meta Altered for the last change of metadata
- Introduced Date Marked for the last change of notes, vocab and bookmarks
- Revised the meaning of Date Read to record when the book is last closed (vs. opened)
- Increased the number of time ranges for all book sorting by Date options
- Enabled brightness control by vertical swipe on left and right edges in Modern Scroll View
- Prevented unintentional display of toolbars on content scroll in Modern Scroll View
- Replaced checkmarking by highlighting of the entry in Table of Contents corresponding to the current EPUB page
- Enabled highlighting the entry in Table of Contents corresponding to the current PDF page
- Speeded up Table of Contents (TOC) display with current entry highlighting, especially for TOC with hundreds of entries
- Added display of note count per note list
- Enabled display of exact book file size (when Diagnostics is on)
- Made other minor enhancement and bug fixes
- Fixed a regression bug that may produce mangled book titles for PDF files imported via PC Upload
- Fixed a bug that may produce syntax errors in generated OPDS catalogs
- Added support to a one-step bug report submission process when OPDS catalog syntax error is encountered when Diagnostics is turned on (in System Settings)
- Addressed some popover UI issues
This is a major release with many new features and enhancements across iPad and iPhone models.
- Changed the app family name from BookMaster to MapleRead
- Renamed BookMaster SE (existing iPad app) as MapleRead SE
- Renamed BookMaster CE (existing iPad app) as MapleRead CE
- Introduced MapleRead CX (free new iPhone app)
- Enabled migration of all contents and settings of any MapleRead app to any MapleRead app via backup and restore operations. For example, backup from SE/CE and then restore to CX, and vice versa.
- Introduced Reading Dimmer as a convenient way to choose between system-wide and app-specific brightness control, optionally dependent on night mode, good for battery-saving and extra dimming
- Added new page layout features applicable to EPUB Modern Book style
- Page margin settings: independent control of left/right and top/bottom margins
- Page turn effect: additional finger-following curl page-turning effect like Classic Book style (or iBooks)
- Added new EPUB multi-language text translation support
- Fine-tuned EPUB layout algorithms for rendering fidelity of Publisher's style and enforcing of User's override
- Simplified Library View's book search bar
- Drastically speeded up book set copy, move and remove operations when Library has many books
- Addressed some performance issues when browsing in Library views
- Upgraded all built-in theme and scene images to retina resolution
- Upgraded BMD, the file format for import and export of notes, scenes and themes, to be much more compact for user-defined themes that share images with built-in themes
- Gave better visual feedback when the book Download button is pressed in Exchange views
- Gave better visual feedback of import results of books, themes, scenes and notes in PC Upload and Queue views
- Fixed some minor UI inconsistency, popover and rotation issues
- Added a new way Author+Series to arrange books first by Author, second by Series, third by Volume, and fourth by Title
- Provided more useful information in Flat and Hierarchical Booklist views by Author and by Series
- Added built-in OPDS+HTML Book Server support of listing books by Author+Series
- Enhanced built-in HTML Book Server to serve webpages that look more like enhanced Library Booklist views
- Enhanced book download support from more HTML websites, such as wiki.mobileread.com and freefullpdf.com
- Enhanced one-step book import from embedded external links in some EPUB books
- Addressed an issue with library scene image resolution on Retina Display
- Addressed issues with overriding publisher's text color of some EPUB books with app's theme text color
- Addressed issues with importing books with filenames containing special characters via PC Upload
- Fixed minor UI inconsistency in Notes view
- Fixed some minor bugs
This is a major release laying the groundwork for future sync services via our own secure cloud service.
- Book reading progress is supported now; more attributes will be supported later.
Other changes include:
- Added a system setting to choose between app-specific or system brightness control
- Added a gesture setting to turn off user selection by long press on EPUB pages
- Added San Francisco font for both EPUB text and heading (iOS 9 required)
- Turned the current book set label into a toggle button that hides and shows the library search bar
- Added support of downloading themes and scenes from OPDS catalogs
- Enhanced support of calibre-specific extension to OPDS catalog for importing book series and volume
- Addressed issues with the behavior of popover views when the device is rotated with unlocked orientation
- Addressed issues with import/download queue status management
- Addressed issues with concurrent downloading of multiple copies of a new book
- Addressed issues with the book cover image picker built as a specialized browser
- Addressed issues with some gesture conflict when an EPUB page is turned
- Addressed issues with EPUB page display when column rule is on and the font size is very small
- Fixed minor UI inconsistency in various places
- Added an option to make the bookshelf transparent
- Added an option to control screen brightness with a vertical swipe
- Added a bolder Sans Serif font for both EPUB text and heading
- Fixed bugs
- Support HTTPS book servers even with self-signed certificates
- Fixed bugs
- A smoother page turning experience
- Easier proof-reading with optional insertion of the highlighted text of each note into your own comment
- New library folder icons with open/close animation
- Display the currently displayed and total numbers of search results if supported by the OPDS catalog server
- Addressed compatibility issues with iOS 9
- Fixed bugs
- You may select a different scene for each book set in the Library
- Other bug fixes
- Flash at the link or footnote target location to help draw the eye to it
- Add an app startup option to auto-open the book at the page you last read
- Import all tags of books downloaded from OPDS servers like calibre
- Other minor bug fixes
- Added an EPUB3 book to demo international language support, including vertical writing (as in Japanese and Chinese)
and right-to-left writing (as in Hebrew and Arabic) modes
- Added column rule option in two-column EPUB layout for better readability in portrait or landscape column mode, and in horizontal or vertical writing mode
- Let you easily distinguish the priority of each note highlighted on a book page regardless of color themes for both EPUB and PDF
- Made it much more convenient to do more things when you long press on a book in Library
- Added more built-in links in Exchange Websites View for future online enhancement
- Reduced overall memory usage and improved performance
- Addressed various minor bugs and iOS 8 compatibility issues
- Fixed iOS 8 compatibility bugs
- Enhanced EPUB3 support
- Enhanced PDF support
- Enhanced calibre support
- First iOS release for iPad
† SE and CE were first introduced for iPad in May 2014,
while CX, the iPhone equivalence of CE, was first introduced as version 1.5 in July 2016.
Since version 1.5, MapleRead was renamed from BookMaster.
Since version 2.0, MapleRead SE has become a universal app.
Since version 3.0, MapleRead CE and MapleRead CX have become universal apps.
†† Since version 3.0, MapleRead CX has become a demo app with some limitation,
but CX with pre-3.0 in-app purchase of “Pro Upgrade” will continue to function like CE on iPhone and iPad.